Default Namespace (schema)
type description
MTAgreement An MTAgreement represents a contract for a MTTrack between (1) a MTOriginalPublisher, (2) a MTSubPublisher and (3) a MTSociety. The first entity is non-society specific and may be found here on the agreement itself. However, an agreement may exist in multiple societies and society specific data for an agreement such as MTSubPublisher and MTSociety may be found for the applicable society in the MTAgreementSocietyRelationships collection. This means that to retrieve all three entities which takes part in any given agreement, one must first retrieve the first entity from this agreement itself. Next, from the MTAgreementSocietyRelationships collection one must retrieve the MTAgreementSocietyRelationship which represents the relevant MTSociety and finally retrieve the last entity which is the MTSubPublisher.
MTAgreementType A MTAgreementType represents the type of an MTAgreement.
MTAgreementSocietyRelationship A MTAgreementSocietyRelationship represents a relationship between a MTAgreement and a MTSociety. Specifically, this entity holds the MTSociety and the MTSubPublisher which always will be society specific for any given agreement along with any other society specific data for any given MTAgreement.
MTAgreementSocietyRelationshipStatus A MTAgreementSocietyRelationshipStatus represents the status for a given MTAgreementSocietyRelationship.
MTAgreementSocietyRelationshipStatusSubStatus A MTAgreementSocietyRelationshipStatusSubStatus represents the substatus for a given MTAgreementSocietyRelationship.
MTAlbum A MTAlbum represents a collection of MTTrack.
MTAlbumStatus An MTAlbumStatus represents the status for an album.
MTAlbumHierarchyNodeRelationship A MTAlbumHierarchyNodeRelationship represents a relationship between an MTAlbum and an MTHierarchyNode. It thus represents a hierarchy node which an album is associated with.
MTApplicableSearchFilter An MTApplicableSearchFilter represents a search filter which can be applied to a new subsequent search to further narrow a search.
MTApplicableSearchFilterGroup An MTApplicableSearchFilterGroup represents a group of search filters which can be applied to a new subsequent search to further narrow a search.
MTAudioFile A MTAudioFile represents audio data of a given format.
MTAudioFileQuality a MTAudioFileQuality represents the file quality for a given MTAudioFile.
MTAudioFileType a MTAudioFileType represents the file type for a given MTAudioFile.
MTBroadcaster A MTBroadcaster represents a broadcaster.
MTBroadcasterTerritoryRelationship A MTBroadcasterTerritoryRelationship represents a relationship between a MTBroadcaster and a MTTerritory.
MTCompany A MTCompany represents a company.
MTGenre A MTGenre represents a genre.
MTGenreSynonym A MTGenre represents a genre.
MTHierarchyNode A MTHierarchyNode represents a hierarchy node (folder).
MTKeyword A MTKeyword represents a keyword.
MTKeywordSynonym A MTKeyword represents a keyword.
MTLibrary A MTLibrary represents a library. A library may be associated with one or more albums.
MTLibraryStatus A MTLibraryStatus represents the type of a MTLibrary.
MTLibraryAddress A MTLibraryAddress represents an address for a library. A library address may be associated with a single library.
MTLibraryAddressType A MTLibraryAddressType represents the type of a MTLibraryAddress.
MTLibraryBundle A MTLibraryBundle represents a library bundle. A library bundle may be associated with one or more libraries.
MTLibraryBundleLibraryRelationship A MTLibraryBundleLibraryRelationship represents a relationship between a MTLibraryBundle and a MTLibrary.
MTLibraryContract A MTLibraryContracts represents a contract with a library. A library contract may be associated with a single library.
MTLibraryOwner A MTLibraryOwner represents a library owner. A library owner may be associated with one or more libraries.
MTLibraryTerritoryRelationship A MTLibraryTerritoryRelationship represents a relationship between a MTLibrary and a MTTerritory.
MTLineupFolder A MTLineupFolder represents a lineup folder.
MTLineupFolderStatus A MTLineupFolderStatus represents the status of a MTLineupFolder.
MTLineupReference A MTLineupFolder represents a lineup reference.
MTLineupReferenceType A MTLineupReferenceType represents the type of a MTLineupReference.
MTLineupTimeEntry A MTLineupTimeEntry represents a lineup time entry.
MTMediaType A MTSociety represents a society, or performing rights organisation (PRO). Throughout this API, this entity will be referred to as a society.
MTMediaTypeBroadcasterRelationship A MTBroadcasterTerritoryRelationship represents a relationship between a MTBroadcaster and a MTTerritory.
MTOriginalPublisher A MTOriginalPublisher represents an original publisher.
MTOriginalPublisherLibraryRelationship A MTOriginalPublisherLibraryRelationship represents a relationship between a library and an original publisher.
MTProduction A MTProduction represents a production.
MTProductionType A MTProductionType represents a production type.
MTProductionTypeMediaTypeRelationship A MTBroadcasterTerritoryRelationship represents a relationship between a MTBroadcaster and a MTTerritory.
MTReport A MTSociety represents a society, or performing rights organisation (PRO). Throughout this API, this entity will be referred to as a society.
MTReportDetail Represents a report detail.
MTReportGroup A MTSociety represents a society, or performing rights organisation (PRO). Throughout this API, this entity will be referred to as a society.
MTReportTrack A MTReportTrack represents a report track.
MTRole A MTRole represents a (authorization) role.
MTRolePrivilege A MTRolePrivilege represents a (authorization) role privilege.
MTShare a MTShare represents a Stakeholder which has an interest in a track.
MTShareRole A MTShareRole represents the role of a MTShare.
MTSociety A MTSociety represents a society, or performing rights organisation (PRO). Throughout this API, this entity will be referred to as a society.
MTStakeholder An MTStakeholder represents a stakeholder which can take part in one or more MTShare.
MTStakeholderType An type which describes any given MTStakeholder.
MTStakeholderSocietyRelationship A MTStakeholderSocietyRelationship represents a relationship between a MTStakeholder and a MTSociety.
MTSubPublisher A MTSubPublisher represents a sub publisher.
MTTaggingTaskCategory A MTTaggingTaskCategory represents a tagging task category
MTTaggingTaskStatus A MTTaggingTaskCategory represents a tagging task status.
MTTaggingTaskType A MTTaggingTaskCategory represents a tagging task type
MTTerritory a MTTerritory represents a territory.
MTTrack An MTTrack represents a musical work.
MTTrackStatus A MTTrackStatus represents the status of a MTTrack.
MTTrackVersionType A MTTrackVersionType represents the version type of a MTTrack.
MTTrackAgreementRelationship A MTTrackAgreementRelationship represents a relationship between a MTTrack and a MTAgreement. It thus represents an agreement which a track is associated with.
MTTrackGenreRelationship A MTTrackGenreRelationship represents a relationship between a MTTrack and a MTGenre. It thus represents a genre which a track is associated with.
MTTrackHierarchyNodeRelationship A MTTrackHierarchyNodeRelationship represents a relationship between a MTTrack and a MTHierarchyNode. It thus represents a hierarchy node which a track is associated with.
MTTrackKeywordRelationship A MTTrackKeywordRelationship represents a relationship between a MTTrack and a MTKeyword. It thus represents a keyword which a track is associated with.
MTWaveForm A MTWaveForm represents a waveform for a track
MTWaveFormType an MTWaveForm represents a waveform for a MTTrack.
MTWaveFormProfile A MTWaveFormProfile represents a waveform profile.
MTAccountFavourite A MTAccountFavourite represents a favourite track.
MTAccountFolder A MTAccountFolder represents a project folder on an account.
MTAccountFolderPermission A MTAccountFolderPermission represents a permission for a project folder on an account.
MTTrackAccountFolderRelationship A MTTrackAccountFolderRelationship represents a relationship between a track and an account folder.